mercredi 10 avril 2013



I had just arrived at the home of my colleague, when he announced that a Medicine Man from Pine Ridge would be giving a talk on the Celestial Knowledge of the ancient Lakota. I had woken up at 4 am that morning at San Antonio, to fly to Denver to Rapid City where I was greeted by a member of the Youth Diabetes Prevention Programme of the CRST, to whom I am a Consultant.
I sat myself at the back, by myself, listening to the Medicine Man and what i noted about his tone was the humility. I had heard about him from my friends in Vermillion, Duane and Thin Elk and it was a great pleasure to meet him.
I told him that the Lakota story about seven Girls or Sisters is very similar to the one, he was reciting with variations.

Schapera an eminent south african anthropologist had collected the San stories..

  • When the Pleiades appear in the east, little ones are lifted by their mothers and presented to the stars . . . The Pleiades are considered friendly and the children are taught to stretch their hands toward them.
  • The Pleiades, named Khuseti or Khunuseh by the Khoikhoi, are called the rainstars. Their appearance indicates the rainy season is near and thus the beginning of a new year. Hahn. The Khoikhoi, or Bushmen (1881).
  • . . . when rain is accompanied by lightning, girls who are out in the open become killed by the lightning and are converted into stars. Therefore young unmarried women and girls must hide themselves from the rain. Schapera (1930).
Isaac Schapera (23 June 1905 Garies, South Africa – 26 June 2003 London, England), was a social anthropologist at the London School of Economicsspecialising in South Africa.

It was so good to some old friends and be greeted so warmly by them, like the mother and daughter whose pictures appear below.
If I can summarize the North American Indians in one word, it would be RELATIONSHIP and that is why they oft repeat Mitakuye Oyasin, we are all related.
My good friends drove 150 miles to pick me up at the nearest airport.
A lakota mother and daughter whom I have known for ages..
They had a full plan of activities for me, normally begining the day at 8 am and going until about 8 am, ably assisted by various out reach workers to the villages outside the main village and the dietitian and the exercise advisor.
But the Great Spirit had different plans..
The first and possibly the last Snow Storm rumbled into the prairie the day after my arrival and Strangely enough I did not feel nuisanced but instead I enjoyed the beauty of a white landscape and I had taught my brain not to feel the cold. Yogic Philosophy had taught me that aversion is a structural defect and I am happy to say that I did not have any bad feelings for the sudden change in weather.
I will return soon to this lovely tribe and their village so that I can complete what I was supposed to do on this visit.

 A lot of snow fell during this storm.
Since I had come here to educate the workers and the adolescents about good nutrition and lifestyle, it is no wonder that the staff made sure that I ate well during my stay here.. Each Day they cooked Lunch and or dinner for me.

I was so happy to spend some time, during the long hours of snow, discussing various aspects of life all over the world, with a delightful Psychologist.
Once again, A Big Thank You, to my Lakota Friends!

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